Thanks for a great season! Until next Winter...see you on the water!
Focus on building fitness and endurance for the Spring season on the water, through indoor rowing classes at Masjah Studios in Harwich. Coaches will focus on proper technique. Participants are requested to purchase a pack of classes on Regatta Central and then reserve an erg on TeamSnap.
Note: we will add more classes if there is interest!
Every Tuesday this Winter starting January 2 through March 26.
Time: Tuesdays, 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM
Who: Masters (aka 21+ years of age - Youth programs are available separately).
Where: Masjah Studios, 181 MA-137, Harwich, MA 02645
Why: Stay fit and ready for Spring! And, because who wants to erg alone!?
To register, please complete the form on Regatta Central